Today we hiked to base camp which has an elevation of 15,380 ft. The hike wasn’t too bad, but my head hurt a lot, so I took some Advil which helped.

It only took us a few hours to get to base camp, and then we started setting up all the tents. Unpacking and setting up the tents was really exhausting, and every time we bent over and then stood up, we all got really dizzy.

Then we rested and unpacked for a few more hours before we did rope school. We learned a bunch of knots that will help us when climbing the next few mountains. We learned the figure eight knot, the butterfly knot, the clover knot and the fisher knot. After rope school, we had dinner and then played a game of cards before bed. The stars were really incredible because there is no light pollution, and we could see the southern cross which you can’t see from North America.
I would so pass out at the elevation 😅
Good job Emma!! And your dad lol
Looks awesome!