Today we woke up at 6am, packed up all of our gear and went to breakfast. I had my caffeinated hot chocolate and porridge. Then I packed up all of my snacks and water and we left. My dad and I are on a nutrition plan for this mountain to make sure that we drink and eat enough. We are supposed to eat 200-400 calories per hour and drink half a liter. It was sunny again in the morning, but the rain came quickly.

Today was a hard day because we hiked to 15,000 feet, had lunch there, and then went back down to around 13,000 ft to sleep. We had lunch at 15,000 ft with a view of what they call the lava tower.

We tried to spend as much time as possible there in hopes of acclimatizing a bit. Going down was fun because we got to climb down the rocks.

It took us a long time to get down in the rain, and as we went down, there was more and more vegetation.

We finally got to Baranco camp (12,800 ft) after eight hours of hiking.

I felt pretty good except my knees and feet hurt and I was exhausted. We changed into dry clothes then ate dinner and went to bed.